Places to Visit in Phuket City | Phuket Places to Visit in 2 days

Welcome all newbies to this brand new blog, So today we are going to another famous city in Thailand Phuket. My wife is with me on today's journey. Now we are in Bangkok and we travel by bus. If we go to Phuket by flight, It will be very expensive. Our bus is very luxurious. The Bangkok to Phuket journey is about 13 hours. We sat on our bus from the Bangkok terminal. Our bus is very comfortable and the ticket costs 850 Thai baht per person.

If someone wants to arrive early, they travel by flight because the flight will reach their destination earlier but the ticket here will cost you a little more, about six thousand Thai baht.  Around 10 am we reached Phuket terminal.

This bus took us to Phuket Bus terminal two. If you want to take a hotel from here, then people here generally want to take a hotel near Pang beach because their rooms are best for view and the interesting thing is that you can see beautiful views from your window here. To reach the hotel we have two options.

The first option is that we take a taxi from the terminal and our second option is that we go by a shared bus here. The shared bus is very cheap and many people also travel by bus. After two hours we reached our hotel which is near the beach. The view from our room window is very gorgeous as we heard before coming here. After some rest, we went to our destination.

Patong Beach Phuket:

We have reached Patong Beach which is right next to our hotel. This beach is huge. We are excited to explore this beach. There were many people when we reached the beach. All the people were enjoying themselves. Some people were dancing there. Some were seen sitting here comfortably and some were playing water sports here.

Many people come here in the evening. People like to enjoy themselves there in the evening and prefer it because they have a great view of the sunset. We saw here a very famous festival is celebrated here in which people throw water on each other and have fun. On that day when we came here, this festival was being celebrated.

All the people were very excited. They were throwing water on others and making them wet. We were laughing a lot after seeing all this. After seeing all this, we started feeling very hungry. There are some kinds of dishes there that we have never eaten in our life. These foods are the specialty of this place.

This food was being made before our eyes. Our mouths watered to see him. The seafood here is our favorite in Thailand because there are many types of fish dishes here and the second thing we like here is fruits because they are exotic.

We roamed there and also made many pictures and videos of each other and we saved these memorable moments in pictures. If anyone reading the blog must come to this place it was highly recommended.

We were very tired after wandering around here but we had a lot of fun here, So this fatigue was bound to happen then we went to the hotel to rest.

Tiger Kingdom Phuket:

Today we are in Phuket city and we are going to the famous and beautiful Tiger Kingdom only tigers live in this place Small, Large, male, and female All of them Tiger are present here, So stay tuned to this blog going inside that place and I  know we do a lot of fun. We went inside to get the ticket from the ticket counter. On the ticket counter, we saw a lovely tiger toy white colored which is kept there.

We asked for a ticket then he gave us a page where all the basic information about Tiger was written on it. In addition, they gave us a form that we filled out. It was written that if any accident happens to us inside, So we will be responsible for it. It is important to enter your name, age, and signature. After all this, they gave us a ticket to go inside.

There was a guide who took us inside. When we entered first we saw a large cage in front of us where many tigers were spinning and playing. There are many setting areas for people here.

Before entering the tiger's cage our guide told us all precautions. A little further he sent us to a large cage where we saw tigers around us. Seeing it is very amazing. My wife was afraid. If I  tell you the truth, I was also feeling a little scared too. Because it was our first time, we never come that close to tigers. We took a lot of pictures and videos with the tigers. When we touched the tiger it was scary but we also enjoyed it.

We came in bravely but here our legs are shaking. After seeing them all we went to the next cage where the little tigers were kept. We also took pictures with them and all the tigers Seemed happy and enjoying themselves. After that, we left for our next destination where we are going to see fish.

Aquaria Phuket:

Now we are going to Aquaria Phuket, which is the biggest aquarium in Phuket city. There are more than 25 thousand aquatic creatures in this place. The tickets for this place are expensive. There were very strange fishes that I had never seen before. There were also some idols kept inside.

Many fishes look the same but they are different species. There were huge tanks here in which the sharks were also present. In addition, we check out Starfish here. We enjoyed seeing so many fishes here. If someone is interested in fish then they must visit here. After staying here for a while we left for our hotel.


In this blog, we describe the Phuket city of Thailand. Our beautiful tour is well described in it. We describe adventurous and most visited areas and their specialties.

Patong Beach Phuket, Tiger Kingdom, and Aquaria Phuket are included. It will help you whenever you come to Phuket.


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