Malacca famous places - Historical Paces in Malacca

Welcome to this new blog. Today we are in Malaysia's beautiful and famous historical island of Malacca. We came here because we heard that it is the most important port in the world located on this island. Malacca city is the oldest city in Malaysia.

A proverb about this place is famous. One day Singh Kapoor, the last King was resting under a Malacca tree, So he saw that a little deer Defeated two hounds and pushed them into the river.

The king was pleased with the bravery of the deer and because of this, the place was named Malacca. This place is the means of communication between the West and East. Today my wife is with me. We came to Malacca yesterday and now we are currently in a Shopping mall.

Things were available cheaply here. From here I also bought a shirt with " I Love Malacca '' written on it. I liked one thing here: whenever we come to Malaysia, food is available everywhere.

We went out and we also got to see a lot of rickshaws here which were small and beautifully decorated. In the language here speaks Shovel something. These are very popular here and lots of lighting on them at night gives a beautiful look.

There the people sit on top and take pictures. If anyone comes here, then they must try this rickshaw. Parking is difficult to find here,

So we hired this rickshaw. It was playing loud songs. We really enjoyed that and afterward, we went on our tour. Stay tuned in this blog you will get to know a lot about Malacca.

Christ Church Melaka:

So today we are going to visit Christ Church Melaka. It is near the Chinatown center of the country. When we cross the bridge comes the famous Chonkar Street, which is the most visited attraction. It is also known as the night market.

Melaka Christ Church was built in the 18 century and it is also the oldest church in all of Asia in Malaysia. This Christ Church is still functioning today. When we got here a large number of people were here who had come to see this Christ church.

In the middle of the church, there is a vintage fountain. His name is Queen Victoria Fountain. The fountain was built on this site in 1901 and even today In the same situation standing there beautifully and it still works exactly the same today.

This place is a famous backdrop for all those visitors who come to see this Christ Church. On the front of this church, there is a big clock tower.

It was built in 1886 and named after a Chinese tycoon. After taking pictures we went outside to the huge market. There was a market where many things were available and many foreigners were also buying things.

We saw a shop selling beautiful design hats. My wife loved the hats, so we bought 2 hats. Also, there were beautiful and unique decoration pieces and they were given very cheap prices.

In front of Christ Church, there were bicycle rickshaws parked. They are decorated with different bright flowers, Lights, and songs.

Most of the children would like a cartoon rickshaw here. Various cartoon designs were made for attractions such as Frozen, Hello Kitty, Disney Princess, and many more themed bicycle rickshaws.

These bicycle rickshaws look very beautiful and attractive at night time because all lights shine. We sat and moved to the next place to hang out.

A Famosa Fort:

The A Famosa Fort is a Portuguese fort located in Asia. The fort was built in the 16th century in Melaka city. The construction started in 1511 when the Portuguese came there.

So today we are going to this place. We will tell you how this place is. We also heard that This fort Served as a large military complex but now it is a famous and popular tourist attraction point. The point of interest is first this building for some time was also used as a mosque. 

Before entering this fort we will have to pass through the gate. The walls of the fort are built of very strong stones because it protects the fort from enemies.

We wandered around for a while and Also took some pictures here and then we went to a tourist spot.

Jonker Street Night Market:

We are currently in our hotel and our intention is to go to Melaika's famous Jonker Street Market also known as Night Market. Jonker Street is located a short distance from our hotel, So now we are going for the street. It is the most famous street in Malacca.

Here we will find people from every culture. My suggestion is that you come here on Sunday because here on Friday and Saturday, crowds are doubled and a huge number of people come here to hang out. The time is 10 at night and this Jonker street is still crowded with people. Unique and different toys are there.

By the way, in every shop here we saw many things but in this shop where we stand, we saw a unique toy. The toy is made of a rubber yellow color with a shape like a chicken. When we press it speaks like a chicken.

A little further we saw a few very cute rabbits and cats were on sale. The People were enjoying themselves and some people were buying. They are enjoying watching.

A little further we found another shop where many different types of key china were selling. I also took a keychain for myself. A person who was standing next to him was selling hand watches.

He was giving a set of three in forty Rm but I only needed one so I took one and going a little further we saw that there is a shop where all kinds of fans were kept Charging and uncharging ones were available over here. There is a lot of stuff in every shop.

There are many things that I can’t put into words but I can tell you about some things that I am telling. The Melaka designed famous shirts were also selling there and “I Love Melaka” was written on them.

We also found a shop here where the famous Dragon Balls dish is sold. We bought it and it was so tasty and crispy. We never ate this dish before this was our first experience.

We bought these dragon balls from them because they were given at a very cheap price. Melaka shirts are only 30 ringgit but there is a deal where we can get two shirts for 55 ringgit. These deals are going on and on every day here.

The songs were playing everywhere here and all the people were enjoying themselves. After some time wandering around here, we left for our hotel because It was now late at night and we were having a lot of fun and also we were tired.


In this blog, we discuss Malacca which is a famous city in Malaysia. We explained everything in detail. Christ Church Melaka, A Famosa Fort, and Jonker Street Night Market are Included.

If you are thinking of coming to Melaka, this blog will be helpful for you because all these places are explained in detail. Our exciting journey is also described in this blog.