Exploring the Hidden Gem of Penang City- Unveiling the Rich Heritage of Penang City


We are in another, the most popular state in Malaysia. The name of the state is Penang. We came to this place yesterday before we were in Kuala Lumpur, So now we are in Penang. We will stay in this place for about three days.

I will try to visit as many places in Penang to tell you about these places. Today, as before, my wife is with me on this journey, So on our first day in Penang right now we are in our hotel, So read this blog carefully and stay connected with us. Let's start today's new blog.

Kek Lok Si Temple:

So today we are going to a very famous and old historical temple. It is a Chinese temple and its name is Kek Lok Si Temple. This place is about ten kilometers away from our hotel. Now we are traveling toward the temple. Penang is a very beautiful city, also clean.

We could see huge buildings around us. Here you have many brands available for shopping. We have reached Kek Lok SI temple. Now let's see how we can get into this temple.

I think you can get in here with a ticket. Some people were seen worshiping here. They were burning candles and praying. These candles were big and lasted for a long time and all the people had written their own names on them.

It is the largest Chinese temple. Whoever comes from China definitely comes to this temple. Here they can buy ribbons and write their desires on them and hang them in this temple and many more ribbons hanged. It seems that religions have old traditions.

Ribbons were easily obtained from the shop next to this place and people were buying them. There was a huge hall in the middle. Where three Temples are present It has been 128 years since it was built at this place.

There was a section where there was a lot of stuff that Chinese people use in his special prayers, and events every month or year. There are many Chinese in Penang, that's why this temple is also very old here. Temple is built on a high spot in the city. There you can see a beautiful view of Penang city. 

All the buildings are visible from here. many temples here. If you want to come you have to climb 3000 stairs to reach the temple. We only see four temples. There are a lot of temples here and in every temple, we saw ribbon hanging.

All of these had some words written on ribbons. People buy ribbons here according to their problems. We read some ribbons. People have different problems such as education problems, and business, and some people want happiness. There are also some religious books that represent Chinese religion here.

A little further we got to see many shops over here. Belonging to the Chinese religion they can buy things of your religion which help them in their worship. Apart from these, you can also buy things from here like bracelets, chains, etc.

The China name is written on them. After some viewing, we went to the nearest hotel and had food which was very tasty and we continued our journey to another place.

ESCAPE Penang:

Today we are going to a famous Theme park. The name of the park is ESCAPE Penang. If you bought your tickets before coming to the park it was better because you will get a discount best on your ticket.

To get the ticket you have to get your face scanned and then apply online. I did the same and I got my ticket and we are now on the way to the ESCAPE Park. Now we have reached the ESCAPE Park. First of all, we scanned our mouths at the entrance and now that we're in, let's see what there is to do here.

Coming in, we saw a large map in front while we entered. It had all the details of the place. It looked great here. There were many swings here. There were so many slides that I could see. The slides are some small and some very big.

There was a swing called Slingshot On which there is only one person at a time. People were reaching very high by sitting on it and they were also shouting. First of all, we selected a famous Playhouse swing we climbed up and saw a lot of fountains were also attached to it.

There was a very nice slide built in front of it on which we sat. My lovely wife and I Had a lot of fun on this ride. After this let us sit on the swing whose name is SpeedRacer.

We sat on a rubber board and our ride started. We had a lot of fun which I can’t express in words. After that, there is a swing named Super Looper. When we entered this swing the ground of the swing suddenly disappeared and I slipped very fast.

We enjoyed falling into the water. We are moving too fast. After that, we sat in the famous chair lift here which took us around the entire Park from the top. A very beautiful view was visible in the distance and also greenery was seen.

A little further here we saw the longest Zipline in the world. We rode on a zip line and he gave us a tour of the forest. On this ride, tourists are shouting.

The world's longest slide was also located here. In we rode on a tube and it slipped fastly we had a lot of fun in that too. It is very wonderful here.

If you come with your family I am sure you will like this park. Here you can also buy swimming clothes and other water accessories too.

Besides that, you can also do camping here. One thing must be taken care of before coming here. If you have a Mobile you must have a waterproof case otherwise the mobile can also be damaged. After wandering around here, we left for our hotel.

Entopia by Penang Butterfly Farm:

Today we are still in Penang city now we are traveling from Butterfly Farm also known as Entopia. I thought about going there Because we heard that a new farm was built here which had more than 15 thousand butterflies.

There was a huge parking lot right next to Entopia. We are very excited to visit this place and today we will learn about Butterfly regards. I already took the ticket and now we are entering it. The front entrance is made from colorful Than it is looking very beautiful and creative. a little further we could see greenery everywhere.

The top of the roof is covered by glass sunlight is pass through it. Further, we saw little fountains were also built here. The place represents a good view of nature. Very few people had come here except us. It is very good for us that we can see everything by being calm. It was a very big and airy place.

The different colored butterflies were seen some of which were small in size and some were big in size and also had beautiful designs on them. The water falling from the waterfalls is very clear and transparent. We saw big blue colored butterflies there. I want to touch it because I love butterflies but we can’t touch it. Waterfalls enhance the beauty of the utopia.

After going a little further we saw a Mystery cave where we got to see a frog area where male and female frog differences were also written on a board. The size of a female frog is greater than a male frog.

The frog was not visible in the glass container but many of his children were small and swimming in water. But inside another container, we got to see a big frog called a giant frog, and next to it was a green frog that looked like a leaf.

A little further on here we saw a big spider whose name is a Brazilian spider. It is also a bird eater.  In front of me is a large glass container here in which there are many snakes. They are kept gathered from all over the world.

We saw a separate area near the butterfly area where a special butterfly named Moon Butterfly. They Really shine and look beautiful at night. There is also a place where everything is fragrant. The special flowers are gathered from all over the world.

Every flower has its own different smell. Further, we saw a cave also known as a lighting cave because there is a lot of light in line to make it more attractive. We also took very good pictures and videos in this cave.

There's little forward breeding area. Where butterflies hatch are kept. We see butterflies enclosed in a small box and sold at a very cheap price. The children are gathered to buy the box. They freed it from the box which is a very beautiful scene. After that, we walked towards our hotel.


In this new blog, we visited Penang, a famous city in Malaysia. If you want to visit Penang and want to know about Penang places then you must read this blog.

The most famous places Kek Lok Si Temple, ESCAPE Penang, and Entopia by Penang Butterfly Farm are described in detailI hope this is helpful to you.