Discovering the Hidden gem - A small Journey of My in Peshawar


In today's new blog Welcome you all. Peshawar city is the capital of KPK and also the 6th largest city in Pakistan. Today we will visit this place and tell you about this place in Pakistan. This city is the oldest city in Pakistan and is of great importance.

It was a historical place and its history is older than years ago. Peshawar is one of the most famous populous cities in Pakistan. Today we will visit the most popular places in Peshawar so let's start today's blog.

Bala Hisar Fort:

Today I am at Bala Hisar Fort which is a historical fort. It is located in Peshawar, Pakistan Today we are here we read some of his stuff that only families here on Saturday. It allows Everyone to come, family and outsiders on Sunday.

But many such tourists come here from the country. You must have your ID card or passport before entering The whole of Peshawar can be seen as very beautiful and at the top of the fort.

After going inside, we got to see these very beautiful paintings on the walls. As you all know Kings mostly built for their own protection.

We went outside total area is 15 acres and spread over ten acres inner side is old and ancient. People come to see it from far away. Many people also visit here to promote tourism in Pakistan.

And in this regard, we also got to see many things like old things Mapping. It was visible The air here is very good.

And a challenge was also seen in Milli where people were punished Who's here and had a lot of fun. If you have come to Peshawar Bala Hisar Fort can prove to be a very good place to visit.

Peshawar Museum:

Today I am visiting the Peshawar Museum. I entered the museum by buying a ticket. I went to the ground floor as it has two floors Where many historical things are lying. The bottom floor had Buddhist and Hindu statues, etc. which were very ancient.

Here I also got to see a dagger and a sword which were very ancient. Still thinking that once upon a time these people used to fight with them. And today people carry guns For their own safety. Gone are the days of swords and daggers.

Verses of the Holy Quran are also written on the stones here. And the escapist cultural handicrafts are here too. After going a little further here I gotta see old rupees to Me which were used in old times. Shoes, clothes, and many old wearables were also seen.

Guns and rifles of Hitler's era were also seen here, which is very interesting and was in the right condition. War equipment was installed here like iron suit Cannonballs and many more used in sentences were here.

This information is a treasure. If you come to Peshawar, you must visit here. Many tourists come here every year and visit this place there is so much in this museum that I cannot describe.

If I begin to describe this, you will get tired of reading. There are countless things here.


Bab-e-Khyber is a memorial place that was built in 1964 during Ayub Khan's government. I will tour you here. It is located in the west of Peshawar city. In Khyber Agency, it will be built after independence.

We are considered in construction projects Tourists from far and wide go here and it is the masterpiece of this history. This is made of brown bricks that attract people.

When I arrived it was evening time and people were there. This Baba-e-Khyber is printed on Pakistani ten rupee notes.

Most people don't visit here because it is far from Peshawar but it is a very good tourist point if visiting here.

Masjid Mahabat Khan:

This mosque is located in the city of Peshawar. This mosque was built by the Mughals emperor Shahjahan in 1630 under the Governor of Peshawar. The front of the mosque is made of white marble which makes it beautiful.

That is why it is one of the most famous places After coming here. I found out that this mosque was built by the Mughals.

It was built in the mid-seventies It was the highest point in the city. There are five arched entrances, one of which I went through and it has three big domes and it is a very beautiful place of worship.

The facade of the mosque is made of beautiful white marble. Ablution with dialog in case. The area of ​​this mosque is 30,155 square feet.

It was decorated with floral designs The interior of this mosque seemed to be decorated with Mughal motifs. This mosque is the life of Peshawar city.

If you haven't seen this mosque in Peshawar, you haven't seen anything. This mosque on the occasion of Eid is full of worshippers.

The atmosphere here is very good after staying here for some time, I prayed and then proceeded to the next location.


Gor Khatri is a historical park in Peshawar that I will come to today. I found out that it was built on the ruins of the Mughal era and is a historical place whose history is more than 8 thousand years old. This is included in the high places of Peshawar.

This park has two gates. I entered through the first gate. It has a Mosque, Museum, and an archaeological site. When I return to where there is a temple among the stars.

The scene is surrounded by sports complexes and fire brigade buildings. It is a very good tourist point. You must come here.

You will see green grass all around in this park. Here you can also do a walk in the morning if you live near it.

Peshawar Zoo:

Peshawar Zoo is counted among the largest zoos in Pakistan. It was the first zoo in Peshawar. It will open for tourists on February 12, 2018. Various Departments of KPK Govt Which Forest, Wildlife and Environment Department Take over the arrangements I have reached here today.

I found out that the zoo is spread over an area of ​​30 acres. Here I got to see almost all kinds of animals and birds here. I also saw the lion. Someone had put food into the lion cage which was strictly forbidden here. Going a little further. I saw a place where monkeys were playing. They snatched the food from the hand of a child.

And started playing, the kids were lost in his fun. So I went ahead. I saw a cage where wild Wolves were kept. Those watches were going around again and again seemed that he was hungry. He was also being teased by the children. I told the children that these animals should not be disturbed.

A short distance away is another cage in which a wild deer was seen really enjoying walking around here. I had a lot of fun. There was a school trip here. He had many children with him. After that, I went to the Bird's section where I saw almost every type of veil, the types did not even reach the moon.

After that. I went to a place and sat down near the bench. I started eating the food I had brought with me. After eating I went to a crocodile side.

There was a crocodile lying there, it looked like it was dead but he was good and after a while, he ran into the water Or in the same water I got to see three to four big turtles. I stayed in this zoo for a few hours then I left for home.


So in this blog, I will tell you in detail about the most famous places in Peshawar. Bala Hisar Fort Peshawar Museum, Bab-e-Khyber, Mahabat Khan Mosque, Gor Khatri, and Peshawar Zoo are Included.

What you will get at this place and what kind of experience you can get in this place mentioned in this blog read it carefully and enjoy.