Discovering A Vibrant City A small Tour to Bangalore

Welcome, all the people in today's blog. We will give a tour of Bangalore which is a very famous city in India. You may have heard its name as Bengaluru Why? Because another language is pronounced Bengaluru. If we talk about the population of Bangalore it is more than 8 million people.

It is 900 meters above sea level. According to population, it ranks 27th in the country. Bangalore is considered to be a very beautiful and green city because the weather and temperature here are very good throughout the year.

There are also a lot of parks in this place which makes it a city of gardens but in today's time, this city is also known as Silicon Valley in India because there are many IT industries here. Well, Bangalore is on a flat surface but its western part is in the hilly areas.

The highest place in the city is located at an altitude of 3150 feet. Ten percent of the people here live in slums here. The Native language is Kannada. It is spoken, So today we will go to the same place and visit the most famous areas here. If you want to come here then definitely read this new blog.

Lalbagh Botanical Garden:

Now we are in Bangalore. Today we will visit Lalbagh Botanical Garden. My parents and I are going to this botanical garden. Because this is one of the biggest Botanical Gardens in India.

The place is also considered the oldest botanical garden in India. This is an important tourist attraction. This garden is spread over about 240 acres. Hyder Ali in 1760 Started building a garden and his son Tipu Sultan completed construction.

The meaning of his name Lalbagh is red flower garden because there are many red flowers here. It is also known as the home of exotic flowers. There are flowers from Prussia, France, Afghanistan and from many other countries that's why we got to see different flowers in this garden.

We saw a lot of trees here and found out Tipu Sultan took trees from all over the world and they are still here today. Besides the flowers in this garden, its rock is popular and a National Geological monument. This rock is more than 3k years old.

It is also the oldest rock in the whole world you can see in this garden. We enjoyed visiting this place. We are walking around to see new things.

There were also a large number of people here and also saw a tower built just on top of the rock. When we asked the local man here, he told us. This tower is built for the founder of Bangalore, Kempegowda.

From the top of this tower there you can see a great view of Bangalore. A band Stand was also present. In Approximately 1890 here was Incorporated to conduct cultural programs. Now we are going to the glass house.

We heard that it was the most important place in this area. It was started in 1889. Based on London's Crystal Palace. This place is a huge structure made of glass.

The flower show at the place is worth watching which happens only twice a year. Here to see the flowers People had come from far away. There are some stairs leading to the glass house where we saw a statue which is decorated with garlands and bells.

Looking a little inside the garden, here we saw a very big clock. It looks so beautiful. Also, there are lots of Cartoons statues in this place.

It is a very good place for children because they love cartoons. A little further, here we saw a stall where cold drinks and things could be bought. We bought Juice from here and sat on the bench for some time and left to visit another place.

ISKCON Temple Bangalore:

Today we will go to Bangalore's ISKCON Temple. Today I have my friends Before going to a temple. Let me tell you something about this ISKCON temple. India's ninth president Shankar Dayal Sharma built this temple in 1997.

This temple is also called  Shareer Rahat Krishna Chandra Temple. Cultural festivals are celebrated with great joy. Now we are going to the temple. Before entering we will deposit our bags and shoes.

If you have a camera you will have to submit it outside Along with baggage you will also have to deposit your shoes outside. You did not need to pay anything here. Because it's absolutely free, otherwise there is a paid service available.

You can keep your stuff here by paying money. It is forbidden to bring a camera to the temple, but you can use a mobile and can take pictures and videos.

You don't need to pay anything to visit this ISKCON temple but you have to stand in a long line for some time here because it is very crowded with people.

When we entered we saw a tall gold plated pole in front. Maybe it was a traditional pole. It also has a unique design. There were only two lines here.

The first line is for everyone without money and you can go for free called General Line and another line there was a special line where I bought his pass for three hundred rupees.

In the general line, a large number of people are visible but the line that was ours was almost empty.

Going a little further we saw the area because we had a special ticket after that to see all the temples. A person here gives us sweets. On the way out we see sweet & salty things we buy after visiting the whole place.

We proceeded to the canteen where we ate food. Before we reached the canteen we saw a big counter where many puja items are kept. You can shop here.

At this place, we got to see a variety of foods some of which we ate which were very tasty. On the way out of the temple. We got our stuff back from the counter and left for our hotel.

Bangalore Palace:

We are going to visit Bangalore Palace. We reached there in the morning. If you Come by Public transport, you will have to walk a little bit. As we got out of the car we saw a gate in front of me which is white. We need to buy tickets here before going inside. When we asked about tickets here, they told us that there are separate tickets for your mobile or camera to take inside. If you come in a group or family you only carry one camera otherwise you will have to pay extra for the camera. When we entered we saw the meeting room.

The theme was yellow there. We could not touch anything here because it was strictly forbidden here. It was in olden times when a king lived here. He was very fond of hunting, that's why you see so many animals on walls here.

If anyone is interested to know the history of this place there is a special audio guide available here. The guide will tell you about this place by listening with earphones. We found a counter here. They were given the device.

You can only get this device if you have ID proof from here. We took the device and they also gave you headphones. If you want headphones in new condition then you will pay 30 rupees. After a little further we saw the first Bangalore lift. Inside the palace, we got to see many pictures in frames.

On the next wall, the king and his family photos were placed. It seemed to the king He was very fond of pictures. Apart from us, many people had come here who were looking at this palace and taking pictures of themselves.

We saw Elephant's feet were also in a mold. On the top of the mold, there were many small pictures. The large decoration pieces look unique and worth it. A sofa was placed on the middle side where people were sitting.

I got to see a huge glass wardrobe where the old clothes of the king and his wife were. The other part of the palace is still used for weddings. Very few and rare weddings happen. Now it seems that someone's wedding has been done because cleaning was also going on here.

We almost walked around this palace. It took two hours. If you want to come to this palace. It will take about 2 hours to visit this palace. There is a very beautiful garden outside this palace where the plants are cut with a very good design.

Apart from this, you will get to see very old and big trees here. The best thing I found here was the trees which were very big and beautiful and they made this place more beautiful. There was a forest where it is forbidden to go. We were very hungry.

When we were out there, we finally found a restaurant where the food was very tasty near the palace.


In this blog, we describe the most popular places in the city of Bangalore. If you want to visit and enjoy this beautiful place then definitely read this blog as it can be very helpful for you.

I have explained in detail about Lalbagh Botanical Garden, ISKCON Temple Bangalore, Bangalore. These places are included in it. what you can do here and what things you will get to see here. Read this blog carefully and enjoy.


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